Our Classes


SweatX, our Xformer strength class, brings the power! In just 45 minutes, get ready for a full-body strength blast. We zero in on each muscle group, delivering targeted time under tension to fire up those slow-twitch muscle fibers for maximum impact! Get ready to shake, sweat, and unleash your strength like never before!


SweatClimb is our high intensity, low impact Versaclimber class. This 30-minute beat-driven cardio class will leave you dripping with sweat and feeling groovy.


SweatCombo is the best of both worlds. You get a 30-minute Xformer strength workout followed by a 15-minute high intensity Versaclimber session. If you want to test out both modalities, this class is for you. (There is a 5-minute transition in between the two machines to change from grip socks, to closed-toed shoes.)